Recruitment - Apply Form

Process Image
Negotiate based on experienceNego
9:00 ~ 17:00
Break Time: 60 minutes
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays ✷ Sometimes Saturday will be work day.
Sapporo, Hokkaido

JLPT N2 or above

System engineer experience in 5 or more years

Bachelor degree in IT

Expertise in Javascript, Node Js, Java

Salary increase once a year

Bonus twice a year

Lodging Facilities

Transportation allowance

Qualifications allowance, social insurance

Please fill in all the fields of the form.
Thanks for Joining With Us!!

Gender required   *

Bridge System Engineer (031800)

Negotiate based on experienceNego
9:00 ~ 17:00
Break Time: 60 minutes
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays ✷ Sometimes Saturday will be work day.
Sapporo, Hokkaido

JLPT N2 or above

System engineer experience in 5 or more years

Bachelor degree in IT

Expertise in Javascript, Node Js, Java

Salary increase once a year

Bonus twice a year

Lodging Facilities

Transportation allowance

Qualifications allowance, social insurance